Monday, January 19, 2009

Waterproof Keyboards Can Be Disinfected

Distinguished by their rugged, ergonomic, sealed design, waterproof keyboards and mice are ideal not only for industry, health care, food service and dentistry, but also enable silent, sanitary keyboarding in courtrooms, libraries, laboratories, pharmacies and schools — anywhere safety and durability are issues and employee, student, or patient health is a priority There can
be many disease-causing germs on keyboards. Disinfecting them helps avoid sickness.

Hands Off

Hands off the toilet flusher
Hands off the soap dispenser
Hands off the faucet
Hands off the towel dispenser
Hands off the exit door
If these devices were automated, one could keep one’s hands off and avoid disease causing microbes. www.autohandsfreesoap offers them all.

Handwashing Avoids Cross-Contamination

Parents and teachers can stress handwashing to young people so that they will make washing their hands a permanent habit. A brief guide to handwashing follows.Wash your hands:Before eating. In a restaurant do it after handling the menu.After using the bathroom at home but especially in a public restroom.After changing diapers. Busy mothers cannot afford to be sick.When caring for the sick or after visiting the doctor.After touching PUBLIC doorknobs, handles, phones, gas pumps, bank machines, and more.When handling meat and foods. Food handlers should be very aware of what they touch.After gardening or working outdoors. Animal and bird contamination and spores are in the ground.Handling hotel TV remotes. They have been proven to be very contaminated.Doing a lot of handshaking at receptions, political rallies, and family gatherings can exchange germs.Handling sums of money and credit cards like bankers, fast-food workers, and merchants do.
Childcare centers can be a breeding ground for germs, so workers and children should wash their hands often after playing, before eating, and before going home.
Simple soaps, along with proper handwashing, are adequate to avoid cross- contamination. Spend a minute lathering the soap because the lather action removes bacteria on one’s hands.

Hands Free Soap Dispensers

Virus can be spread through cross contamination, particularly through the hands. Our hands are always in contact with something. It is no surprise then that our hands contain germs and viruses unseen by the naked eye. That is why it is important to keep our hands sanitized at all times, especially when we handle food.
Sometimes viruses and bacteria may spread from one person to another just by touching the same item, be it a door knob or a computer keyboard. Even bar soaps or liquid dispensers can be a source of viruses. A hands free soap dispenser is an effective alternative solution to washing hands. It makes use of infrared technology to dispense liquid soap any time without touching the dispenser itself. It can also be used for hand sanitizers and lotions and is great in businesses that require the hands to be sanitized at all times.

Restroom Hygiene

There are many basic reasons for using electronic plumbing products in public facilities. These include improved restroom hygiene.
The most important reason for using sensor-operated faucets and flushometer valves is to improve restroom hygiene. By the very nature of what a restroom is designed to do, the fixtures and fittings in a public restroom must come in contact with the bodily functions of a wide variety of human beings.Hygiene is important not just for the aesthetic value of the facility, but also from the health and safety standpoint. The use of sensor operated plumbing products will keep the restroom cleaner. “Hands Free” products also help prevent the transmission of disease from one person to another.

Hands Free Faucets and Flushers

When a person touches the handle on a faucet or a flush valve, residue on that person’s hand or fingers may be physically transmitted to the handle of the product. This residue can than be transferred to the next person touching the handle. Studies have identified that bacteria can be spread from one user to another from a faucet handle or knob. This is called “cross contamination”. The use of “Hands Free” faucets and flush valves eliminates the need for physical contact between the user and the plumbing device. This in turn helps to eliminate the possible transmission of a wide variety of pathogens, including hepatitis, salmonella and a wide host of other communicable diseases. Since restroom users are aware that multiple people have been using the facilities, a restroom that incorporates hand’s free plumbing devices is also perceived a lot less risky to use. This projects an overall perception to the user that the restroom is “hygienic”.

Restroom Door Openers

Many restrooms do not provide a germ- free way to exit. One is forced to touch the door in order to leave. Some people resort to using the paper towel to open the door. Some facilities have moved their trash cans near the door for this reason. Newer restrooms have eliminated doors with the "S" floorplan. Touching the door is the weak link in the chain of barriers against contamination. It doesn't have to be since technology has solved this problem.
Several types of devices are available. Foot operated openers, arm grasping handles, and sensor-operated automatic doors can easily be installed to eliminate touching the exit door. With MRSA and other illnesses becoming more prevalent, hands free doors are a requirement.

Avoiding Germs

Germs cannot be detected with the naked eye but they are there in the kitchen and washroom. Our homes. workplaces, schools, hospitals, churches, and restaurants all expose us to contamination which can lead to illness, especially MRSA. Prevention is the solution to avoiding sickness. Handsfree, touchless soap and towel dispensers and other devices can help protect you, your family, co-workers, and clients from cross-contamination by using automation. NewSolution products are the new technology for handling food and personal hygiene. Use your head not your hands